Gubavac (Korcula) Island

Gubavac (Korcula) Island Info

Gubavac (Korcula) is an unpopulated island with total area of 40856 square meters (m2). The lenght of its coastline is 972 meters. There is no public transport to Gubavac (Korcula).
Gubavac is island located at the very entrance of bay of Lumbarda. It is attractive little island with weird shape (see it on the map) and lot of large, flat and smooth rocks that are very comfortable to lay on. That is why swimmers and sunbathers like to spend days here, especially at the Eastern side of the island which is well sheltered from western wind Maestral that blows in summer afternoons and can be bit annoying if you are not into sailing and windsurfing... Gubavac got its name from medieval times when island was used as quarantine for Korcula visitors. Gubavac is not used nowadays for these purposes ;-)
GPS Latitude42.93181200
GPS Longitude17.18462400
Coastline Lenght(M)972

Gubavac (Korcula) GPS coordinates

GPS location coordinates: 42°55'54.5"N 17°11'4.6"E

Map of Gubavac (Korcula)

Here is the island's location map with nearby lighthouses and marinas - enlarge the map and right click on it to save the map image:

Some Lighthouses in vicinity of Gubavac (Korcula):

Marinas in vicinity of Gubavac (Korcula):

Neighbouring islands to Gubavac (Korcula):

Nearest Campsites to Gubavac (Korcula):

  • Vela Postrana Campsite is at distance of 0.90 miles
  • Kalac Campsite is at distance of 2.51 miles
  • Trstenica Campsite is at distance of 3.07 miles
  • Glavna plaza Campsite is at distance of 3.15 miles
  • Nevio Campsite is at distance of 3.50 miles

Gubavac (Korcula) Nearby Hotels:

Croatian Islands Photos

Brela (photo Josip Madracevic)

Vodice (photo:I.Pervan)

Sunset (photo:Renco Kozinozic)

Zlatni rat Beach - Brac island - photo by Ivo Pervan

Hvar Town @ island of Hvar, Croatia