Vela Stupa Island

Vela Stupa Island Info

Vela Stupa is an unpopulated island with total area of 16411 square meters (m2). The lenght of its coastline is 504 meters. There is no public transport to Vela Stupa.
Stupe are two small islands, one much larger than another, that are located at the further East of Korcula archipelago. On the largest one, named " Vela Stupa" , there is a small konoba restaurant that is conveniently situated for visitors to the Archipelago to enjoy food and drinks. This small restaurant, run by local family, has reputation as a good place to eat. Stupe is also popular with naturist (people that like nude swim and sunbath) who come here in summer to enjoy sea and sun.
GPS Latitude42.96288000
GPS Longitude17.18810000
Coastline Lenght(M)504

Vela Stupa GPS coordinates

GPS location coordinates: 42°57'46.4"N 17°11'17.2"E

Map of Vela Stupa

Here is the island's location map with nearby lighthouses and marinas - enlarge the map and right click on it to save the map image:

Vela Stupa Video

Some Lighthouses in vicinity of Vela Stupa:

Marinas in vicinity of Vela Stupa:

Neighbouring islands to Vela Stupa:

Nearest Campsites to Vela Stupa:

  • Trstenica Campsite is at distance of 0.92 miles
  • Glavna plaza Campsite is at distance of 1.00 miles
  • Nevio Campsite is at distance of 1.39 miles
  • Paradiso Campsite is at distance of 2.08 miles
  • Ponta Campsite is at distance of 2.08 miles

Vela Stupa Nearby Hotels:

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