Palagruza Lighthouse Croatia

Palagruza Lighthouse Info

Palagruza Lighthouse is situated in Palagruža Island. It was built in 1875 by Austro Hungarian Empire. The height of the lighthouse tower is 23.0 meters (75.0 feet). The focal height is 99.9 meters (99.9 feet). The nominal range of the main light is 26.0 nautical miles (48.0 kilometers).

Palagruza Lighthouse GPS coordinates

GPS location coordinates: 42°23'33.6"N 16°15'20.3"E

Map of Palagruza Lighthouse

Here is a location map - right click on it to save the map image:

Other lighthouses in vicinity of Palagruza Lighthouse:

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Neighbouring islands to Palagruza Lighthouse:

Nearest Campsites to Palagruza Lighthouse:

  • Potirna Campsite is at distance of 43.11 miles

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