Marina Valalta - Croatia

Marina Valalta Info

The Marina Valalta is the first and only little harbour for naturists in the Adriatic. The marina is ideal for smaller vessels, although it can provide for and accept large yachts, and besides securely accommodating vessels in the water and on land, it also offers its guests repair services and the lifting and lowering of vessels. In the resort of Valalta there are restaurants, snack bars, shops, a kiosk and many sports grounds.
NameMarina Valalta
AddressHR-52210 ROVINJ, Cesta za Valaltu-Lim 7
Telephone+385 (0)52 804 800 +385 (0)52 811 461

Marina Valalta GPS coordinates

GPS location coordinates: 45°5'48.2"N 13°38'21.7"E

Map of Marina Valalta

Here is a location map - right click on it to save the map image:

Nearest marinas to Marina Valalta:

Nearest Lighthouses to Marina Valalta:

Neighbouring islands to Marina Valalta:

Nearest Campsites to Marina Valalta:

  • Porton Biondi Campsite ( 0.16 miles )
  • Valdaliso Campsite ( 0.84 miles )
  • Amarin Campsite ( 1.26 miles )
  • Valalta Campsite ( 1.84 miles )
  • Ulika (Rovinj) Campsite ( 2.83 miles )
  • Polari Campsite ( 2.91 miles )

Marina Valalta Nearby Hotels:

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