Lucmarinjak Island

Lucmarinjak Island Info

Lucmarinjak is an unpopulated island with total area of 101231 square meters (m2). The lenght of its coastline is 1251 meters. There is no public transport to Lucmarinjak.
GPS Latitude43.68331000
GPS Longitude15.48440000
Coastline Lenght(M)1251

Lucmarinjak GPS coordinates

GPS location coordinates: 43°40'59.9"N 15°29'3.8"E

Map of Lucmarinjak

Here is the island's location map with nearby lighthouses and marinas - enlarge the map and right click on it to save the map image:

Some Lighthouses in vicinity of Lucmarinjak:

Marinas in vicinity of Lucmarinjak:

Neighbouring islands to Lucmarinjak:

Nearest Campsites to Lucmarinjak:

  • Kosirina Campsite is at distance of 10.06 miles
  • Slanica Campsite is at distance of 10.32 miles
  • Jezera – Lovisca Campsite is at distance of 10.38 miles
  • Plitka vala Campsite is at distance of 10.59 miles
  • Marija Campsite is at distance of 10.96 miles

Lucmarinjak Nearby Hotels:

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